Thursday, August 27, 2009
End of August
Here it is, the end of August. How did the summer go by so fast?! Not that I am complaining. The state of Texas is in need of some seriously cooler weather and rain. We had a nice storm last night, but it wasn't near enough to fix this terrible drought. I too, am looking forward to some cooler temps. I get excited when I see the forecast below 100 degrees. I am ready for the kids to be able to go outside and play, not having to worry about Jude's asthma flaring up with the heat.
There are so many things to update on. Some good and some bad. I will try to get to all of them without writing a book!
The kids are growing. They both had their annual check-ups over the summer. Jude is finally over 3 ft tall (37 in), and is weighing in at 33 lb. His asthma is under control with Pulmicort respules 1-2 times a day and Albuterol when needed through the nebulizer. Summyr had her 2 yr. appointment yesterday. She is right behind Jude at 33.25 inches and 27 lbs. She is healthy over all and doesn't seem to have any allergies.
Summyr talks so well and can form a 3-4 word sentence if needed. Her hair is getting so long, and I still refuse to cut it...well except for the bangs. She really loves the Little Einsteins right now, and anything Disney Princess or baby dolls. She is still a self proclaimed vegetarian, with the exception of chicken nuggets and hot dogs. Other than that I have a hard time getting her to eat meat. She loves berries, yogurt with granola, ice cream, and pretzels.
Jude is just as silly as ever. He is growing out of nap time, much to my dismay. Only one more year until kindergarten for him! I am so excited. He is really looking forward to this. He recently went up a shoe size, now a size 9, and got some new shoes. These are not just any shoes. They are Super Z-Straps by Sketcher's. He has been waiting for these shoes for about 9 months. I made him wait until he went up a size, and promised that he would get those shoes. He loves them and sometimes doesn't want to take them off.
I am going to be starting school in October. I decided that I needed to do something for myself. Being a Mom is a good thing, but there has just been this voice in my head telling me that I need to do more. I need to be prepared. Also with the economy the way it is, I just felt like I had had enough of the struggle. Stephan's job is steady, but after working there for over 3 years with no raise, we are barely making it. I want to do what I have to do to make sure the kids have what they need, and that if something happens, I will be able to take care of them. I have decided to go the Virginia College at Austin to get my Associates degree in Medical Office Management. I have always loved the idea of working in the medical field, minus the blood, so this is the perfect way to do it. I will be going full time, and I will be done in 2 years. I am really looking forward to getting out and making this change.
Also, I have been going to the gym and "working out". I really have come to love walking on the treadmill. I am not sure if I have lost much weight, but I have had to buy smaller clothes, so that's a good sign. Finally down to an 8 in pants/shorts, and a medium in shirts. I was a size 14 after having Jude, and a size 12 after having Summyr. Still about 15 lbs to go to reach my goal weight of 120.
Stephan got approved for the new GI Bill at 100% for the next 11 months. This is great because he has decided to leave the Art institute and go back to DeVry and finish his Bachelors degree in Technical Management with a focus on Project Management. He should be done with this in a years time. Hopefully then he can find a better position at HP or another company. He so much talent, and is indispensable. I know he will be a great PM.
Skippy is still Skippy. He is loving the kids and getting lots of rest. He is on a special food from Eukanuba designed specifically for Dachshunds. It contains the extra glucosamine needed for his tiny little legs and his long back. He has been having some problems lately, and so I decided that this would be the best thing for him, even though its pricey. The vet bills would cost me more....
Oh yeah, I am going to be teaching in the nursery at church starting in September. I am nervous because I have not done this in about 8 years. Singing to babies may not seem hard, but it can be intimidating, especially if the same lady has been doing it for years, and now I am the new girl. In an earlier post, I mentioned that our minster had been fired. Our church still does not have a new preacher. Not sure if they are even looking. He is still looking for a job. We keep in close contact with him and his wife. Another sad note about our church is that we just lost our Youth Minister also. He resigned this past Sunday right after telling us that he had been having an extra marital affair. We are, again, so sad. I feel so lost and unsure. Please keep our church, the Round Rock Church of Christ, in your prayers. Strength is needed badly for the members there.
I need to upload some new pics from my camera soon. I hope everyone who reads this is doing well.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Today Summyr turned 2. How is this possible???? She has gotten so big..and so independent. She is our princess and even though some days may be harder than others, we love her very much. I forsee the "terrible twos" being strong. She is so unique and she just has a way of her own. If you have never met her, it is something you must do. She will charm your socks off and make you laugh. Her manners are impecable for such a small thing. And her smile will brighten your day. We love you Summyr. Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sad Day
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Quick Update....Mid June 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009
It has been a month....
Right now its nap time....but I have a feeling that it will be over soon.
Havent had much to post about. Yesterday was Jude's last day of school. And the reason for the background I put up, is because Jude will be turning 4 next weekend.
We did have a little trip to the hospital again...with Jude of course. Went to visit my parents, just me and the kids, and Jude had a really severe asthma attack that put him in the hospital. He is fine now..on preventative meds....but no more trips to grandma's house until the carpet is gone.
We are planning to have Jude's party at the park by our house. He has chosen a dinosaur theme this year. I even found a dinosaur pinata....T-Rex. He will be devastated when it gets beat up and destroyed with a baseball bat. I dont think he has thought it all the way through....
We are planning the have a cookout this weekend with friends and there are also plans to go to a baseball game, Round Rock Express, for Memorial Day Monday.
And like I predicted...nap time is officialy over. I can hear the kids.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Its Been a While...
I would post about our Easter trip, but since I forgot my camera, I have no pictures to show you. Trying to describe it all would just be too hard for me. We did have fun in Houston, though.
Not much has been going on here. It seems like all I do is sweep, mop, pick up toys, wash, fold, and rotate laundry from the couch to the bed, then back to the washer again....oh, and drive Jude to and from school.
Life is pretty mundane...but hey I am not complaining. I enjoy having life this way. Pretty normal and back on a decent schedule. The kids seem to be happy. Everyone is about as healthy as one can be during a Texas spring.
The house is quiet right now. The kids are in bed for the night. They have been pretty good about sleeping and going to bed on their own. Jude is now sleeping in a twin-sized bed. He was complaining that his firetruck bed was too small. He seems much more comfortable now. I still have Summyr in the crib. I dont trust her enough to put her in a toddler bed, just yet.
So, I will come back when I have more stuff to write about.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I wanted to show everyone pictures and video of Jude's first performance with Austin Kid's Acting. He started in the Young Performers class back in January, and today was their last class. They had put together a couple of skits and little was so cute! He did really well and he actually remembered his lines....he was the only one that got to have 2 whole lines....:). For those of you who dont know...Jude will be 4 at the end of May.

We hope to be able to enroll him in another class that starts in the fall. We are very proud of his creativity and skills as a pint sized performer!

Somone loves being on stage WAY too much!
The video quality is not that was taken on my digital camera. You can hear Jude's voice loud and clear over the other microphones....while singing "Doe a Deer". Jude is holding hands with his good friend Jonathan...who initially invited him to join by coming to a "free"class to try it out. We had Jude signed up and in class the next week after hearing all of the raves from the teachers and director of the school.
Supportive sister
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Twilight Update....
I finished the series this past Saturday (4 books in 1 week)....and it was one of, if not, the best series of books that I have read in a while.
The author really knows how to draw you in and make you feel like you are a part of the story.
I was sad that 2 a.m., mind you....when I read the last page. I felt like a chapter in my life was ending.
The Twilight series opened my eyes to some things in my life that I really wasnt ready to deal with. More on that later.
Now Stephan is reading them, and is on the third book.
If you have the chance, read the series. If you havent seen the movie, watch it first, before you read. I did it that way, and I am so grateful that I did. I was able to take the characters from the movie, into the books with me, and they made it so much easier on my imagination!
I hope you have the chance to enjoy Twilight for yourself!
Sure there are those who don't do it intentionally...well at least I think they don't. For kids. I love them, but after spending 8-10 hours a day (minimum) with them, they (by no fault of their own) start to irritate me.
But then there are those know who I am talking about....who always do something to make you feel like you just want to shake them violently!!! Please tell me that I am not the only one who has ever felt this way! I just don't understand those people. Why do they insist on being annoying?
Back in the good old days, before the Internet, the only way that people could really annoy you was either in person or over the phone. Being annoying over the phone was an easy thing to handle. All you had to do was hang up on them. But now with the Internet and places like MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter, people can continue to be annoying and irritating all day and all night if they want to. Sure you say, why not just turn off the hanging up the phone? Well I say no to that. Talking on the phone is one on one. Being on the computer in my downtime is a privilege for me. Its a place where I can talk to a lot of different people that I don't get to ever see. But why does ONE person have to ruin it for me?
Did your mom ever tell you that saying ,"If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything." or that one that goes, "Mind your own beeswax."? I know I grew up with those two pieces of advice. I also grew up being taught that being annoying and pestering was NOT attractive. I was told it was rude to brag and boast...especially to people who really just don't have any interest.
And PLEASE, I am begging you PLEASE don't air your dirty laundry and your personal business on the Internet!!! Some things were just meant to be kept private. Especially on places like Facebook and Twitter. It is soooooooo obnoxious!!! I don't think there is anything wrong with using a blog as an outlet or a journal, because here, you can choose who gets to read it and who doesn't. But public domains??? Come on people!!! Have some dignity!!! You don't know how many times I have caught myself gagging, rolling my eyes, and even growling at the computer screen after reading something that was so out of place and personal. Have some wisdom. We used to say "think before you speak", but lets bring that term into the new millennium..."think before you type"!!!! If you are having problems at home, no one on Facebook wants to know. Tell a close friend, blog about it..if you are like me and don't have a close friend, or just pray about it. Don't broadcast it for millions of eyes to see! And no, we are NOT interested in your "love life"....its not any ones business...and trust me we DON'T want to know what goes on behind closed doors.
Whew! Deep breath here!
I guess I am just ranting...but that is a good thing. I use this blog as a way to get out some pent up frustrations so that I don't take them out on my poor family. Trust me, they have heard this one before....but everytime I see it happen again....I just have to write.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I've Been "Twilight-ed"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Life has been pretty tame...
The kids and I recently went to Houston to visit and go to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. I forgot my camera, but hopefully my mom or sister will send me some of their pics so I can post them. It was fun, except for the cold weather and rain. But I promised that we would go to the carnival....and we went. We got really cold and rather wet, but Jude and Zach had fun playing the carnival games and riding the carousel.
Right now I am trying to prepare for the visit of my in laws. They are coming for Spring Break, and should be here sometime tomorrow. The kids are looking forward to their visit.
I have been doing a lot to get the house cleaned up and reorganized. Sort of a Spring Cleaning. I did redo the kids toy room AGAIN, so that we could move the big blue fold-out couch in there. Jude has been sleeping on it because he feels like he is too big for a toddler bed now. We have a new bed (courtesy of Grandma) in the garage that needs to be built. I found some really nice bedding sets for Jude that were on clearance at Walmart. One with classic Chevy cars and one with Batman. Neither of them go with the boat theme painted on his walls, but my OCD will just have to get over it since the owner of the house painted them there.
Other than that, life has been pretty uneventful. I am grateful though...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Like a Moth to the Flame...
For example: You know that you are trying to lose weight, but you just have your favorite chips and they always make you feel better. Do you know what I mean? Its kinda like a bad habit.
Well I am dealing with this same sort of situation with one of the other blogs that I am following. This blog, called HolyCoast, is the only information source that keeps me up to date with what is going on in the political , religious, and executive world. It is very informative...almost TOO informative, and has a lot of side stories about religion, Congressional issues, and recent happenings with the "O-messiah" and the White House. I don't watch the news...and its for the same reason that I need to stop reading this blog....but I don't think I can.
Its easy to not watch the news. I have the kids around, and I don't want them to hear it...or see it for that matter. But this blog sucks me in everyday. I have to know what is going on in the outside world that I am so sheltered from. But the downside to this blog, is that I am becoming very afraid of our new president and even more afraid of living in the U.S. .
This blog is written by a man who is a Republican and a "believer". I feel that I side with that group more that the Democrats, but I would not label my self "Republican" since I am not a political person. But I now have a whole new perspective of politics. It is a scary perspective. Before this blog, I am sad to say, I had no idea about all of the stuff that goes on with Senators, Governors, and Presidents. I knew what they did as their profession, but I never knew about all of the scandals, the attempts to pass outlandish bills, and all of the tax evasion. I knew about Hitler and what a maniac he was, but I never knew that we are seeing some of the same ideas being brought back into our very own government as we speak!
I am saddened by all of the problems with our economy. With people losing their homes and jobs...I wonder if we are next. And now after reading this blog, I know there are hard working people out there, like Stephan, who are supporting a WHOLE lot of slackers. People like us, who don't even own a home, are going to be paying for mortgages of people who couldn't even afford one in the first place. I would have been so naive, had I not read this blog.
There is talk of the whole Evangelical system coming to an end within 1o years. And then a premonition of immanent destruction, terror, and riots throughout the United States. And also talk of China, toying with the US Navy, and Obama not even lifting a finger. And whats this about getting rid of the bowling alley inside of the White House to instead have an indoor basketball court built!? Has anyone ever heard of preserving history???
As I type, I can feel the panic start to rise. And this is why I am writing about this blog. No matter how stressed out I get or how upset I get about what I read, I keep going back. Its not all gloom and doom all of the time. But as the days go by, it seems that there are more bad stories and articles, then there are good. But like a moth to the flame, I feel like I NEED to read this blog to make sure I know whats going on. I could walk around with my head in the clouds all day, like some people I know, or I can read and be aware. But how do I justify the scared and depressing feelings that I get from reading this blog? Why don't I just stop reading it? Is it not all reality?
Please feel free to read it for yourself. Let me know how you feel. Maybe its not just me. Or maybe its just the pessimist in me.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Been to the Beach....
Sorry to have been a slacker at blogging in the month of February. This past week did not help me catch up. I mentioned in a previous post that I had been dreaming of going on a vacation. Well my dream came true, in a way. I feel like God was looking down on me, while he was reading my blog, and made a way for my prayer to be answered. Stephan got a call over a week ago from someone at his job about filling in for a worker in Corpus Christi, of all places. He called back right away, and said he would do it, in the hopes that his boss would let him go.
Well as it turned out, he was given permission to take the job, and our vacation was born. Okay, vacation for me and the kids was born. Stephan really didnt even have the time to sit down. Unfortunately for him, he was so busy working that he didnt even have time to hang out on the beach with us. But, we did have a nice hotel room, right on the shore, so at least he was able to hear the waves crashing and splashing onto the sand, and the gulls squawking and crying right outside of the balcony.
The kids and I had a fairly good time. It was alot of work trying to have a fun time with 2 little ones, without Dad. But my mom did come down for a few days, and even stayed in the same hotel. We went to the Texas State Aquarium and spent just about everyday down on the sand. Friday, right before the kids and I made the horribly long trek back, we were able to go one the USS Lexington and Jude was able to check out some really cool planes. I am posting some of the pics, and will have to upload some others at a later time. I hope you enjoy!

View of the USS Lexington from the balcony.

Sunrise at Corpus Christi Beach. 7:00 am

Jude, Summyr, and Zach in front of the aquarium.Brother and Sister on the beach.

Summyr looking for shells.

Together on the beach.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Recent Pictures
Here are some recent pictures of the kids. I hope you enjoy them!
I will post more after our trip to Corpus Christi.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Poem
I need you here right now!
I think I'm going to lose it,
I might just have a cow!
I feel like I am lost here
in a place I know so well.
And everyday gets harder
as I try to make this "sale".
"I am your Mom", I seem to say
a dozen times an hour.
"And when you have your own kids,
then you can taste this power"
"But until then, you'll listen up
and do just what I say.
Pick up your toys, put on your clothes,
and stop sassing me that way!"
"Mommy needs some time alone,
to shower and just to 'be'.
No, sweety, I dont need your help
everytime I have to pee!"
"All I want is for you now
to go and sit real still.
Just put your small hands in your lap,
and check out Dr. Feel."
"No running now, no shouting,
and please be nice to sister!
Just quiet down, relax a while
and please sit on your keester!"
"Don't jump from there, you might get hurt
and need a shot or two!
Anther bill from Dr. E
is not in my budget, Jude!"
"Oh no! Banana in your hair!
Another bath AGAIN!
And whats this sticky stuff here?
It's smeared all down your chin!"
"And no, you cannot go outside,
the ground is frozen over!
Especially since you have no clothes on,
thats indecent exposure!"
"Cheetos are not breakfast food!
How 'bout some cereal?
No cookies arent an option, too.
Come on now, lets get real!"
"I'm going to sweep now everyone,
so dont step in the dust!
And them I'm going to try and mop,
and do laundry, if I must!"
"Wait! Stop right there! Whats in your hands?
Is that going to make a mess?
Why is there a trail of cracker crumbs?
And chocolate down your dress?"
My hair is starting to turn white,
and though I LOVE them so,
I feel my mind starting to slip,
my sanity start to go.
So Jesus, if you read this peom
and sense my urgent plea!
Send someone, a friend, a hand,
someone to relieve me!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Dreaming of Vacation...
I say "dreaming" because, right now we cant fund a vacation. Even when we get our tax refund, we cant really afford one. We decided to pay off all but one credit card, and we have medical bills from Jude's hospital stay last September that still need to be payed off.
So, with the minimal amount left over, I have been imagining what kinds of "vacation" we could possibly take. Of course, in my mind, I am imagining a nice sunny day in Corpus Christi. The day would be warm and the sand would be dry...not wet and mushy. The kids would be having a blast digging and playing with buckets and shovels. I would be sitting back, taking in as much sun as I could, while enjoying the warm breeze, salty air, and listening to the kids giggle and play. Then we would take a visit to the Texas State Aquarium, and then a tour of the battleship museum.
This is what I envision in my mind of course. The reality of of it all is far fetched right now. Number one, it is not warm enough yet to guarantee the "perfect" day. And I am still trying to think of a hotel that I can right off of the beach would be nice.
Or I have thought of a trip to San Antonio. Now I have been to both of these places multiple times, but my kids have never been before. Anyways, for this trip I envision staying in a nice hotel right off of the Riverwalk. We would take a ride on a riverboat...Jude would love this... and then after lunch on the river, we would take a trek to the Alamo...Jude would love this as well. After our Alamo visit, we would take a horse and carriage ride to our hotel and take a nap. After our nap, we would go to Ripley's Believe it Or Not.
Of course, you see that I have all of this planned out in my head. Making it happen is the main problem. Stephan and I have been dreaming about taking a vacation. The last time that we went anywhere, besides visiting family, I was 5 months pregnant with Jude. A vacation is long overdue for our little family.
Friday, January 30, 2009
A Dress for Summyr

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Without the Peanut Butter....
Will children go without lunches?
Will jelly be lonely forever??
Will peanut butter cookies just be "cookies"?
Will bananas ever be able to be eaten on a sandwich again???
And what about all of those Chinese dishes that use peanut butter as an ingredient??
Is the world coming to an end?
I dont know....Jude is allergic to peanut butter.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Why Did June Cleaver Have to Make it Look So Easy????
Being a SAHM is rough. I love my kids, but I am worn out!
I cannot remember a time in my life that I wanted to be anything but a SAHM. Ok, well except for in first grade, when I said I wanted to be a zookeeper when I grew up.
Amazing....I am a zookeeper!
Things that June Cleaver Did That I Just Cant:
- Wear a dress everyday....did she ever play on the floor?
- Wear a kids would break it!
- Do her hair nice....I am lucky if I get to comb my hair.
- Make a full kids eat cereal and apple juice everyday. I eat nothing.
- Look glamorous....I struggle to look ALIVE.
- Speak in a low and soothing voice....No one would hear me if I did that.
- Keep her house spotless....maybe when my kids are older....maybe not.
- Go out with her husband and friends....We go out once a year...on our Anniversary.
Anyways, this is just a random note. I felt that I needed to let out some frustrations. I will write more later.

Building Walls...
What a shame when we have to build walls.
Some people may not know what I mean. They just aren't the type.Others know exactly what I mean. They are the ones with fortresses, like me.
I am a "wall builder". I do this mainly for my protection, and on occasion, for the protection of my family...especially my kids. In my case, I have an extremely tender heart. It is made out of the most fragile china, and needs to be handled delicately. When it is jolted, or in the worst case, dropped, disaster ensues. I immediately scramble to try and pick up all of the pieces that are salvageable. Never mind the fact that they need to be time for that! I must hurry and grab some stones, rocks, and mortar.
Keep in mind, this is not always the pattern I follow. Only in certain instances, do I feel the need to build. I don't cry over spilled milk, if you know what I mean.
The need to build, in certain situations, is immediate. I would like to say it is instinctual in my case. The urge is overwhelming.
After scooping up my damaged heart, I turn to grab the first brick I can find. And before you and I know it, I have surrounded myself with a strong fortress. Here I can sit down and cry, and feel angry at the world and at Satan for getting into people's minds and souls. I can talk to God, and let him know how I am feeling. And my wall allows those, whom I know care about me, to come in and comfort me. And even though I am fuming with hurt and anguish, I can somehow find the strength to put my heart back together. But only behind the walls.
And to the ones who cause the hurt....especially when it was caused intentionally....they will miss out. They lose the opportunity to share the same air I breath. To share my heart. And is some cases, to share my husband and children. The power of a hurt mother, and the urge to guard her loved ones from evil, is a power that is overwhelming. If necessary, I will take them into my wall with me...especially my kids. They are so little, and the duty to protect them from hurt, harm, and danger, falls squarely on me. Yes, one day they will have to face adversity on their own, but for now, they need to know that Mom will always protect them.
Despite what others might think or say, I am thankful for Walls.
And now I must return to my mine.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Thank you...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Making and Keeping Resolutions

Now its nothing to fancy, but it gets the job done! Notice the papers....this was accomplished when Stephan and I spent an hour on the kitchen floor sorting through them. There were a lot of things to go through! But I feel good now that its done. I was even able to get Stephan to help me go through the other rooms in the house and grab all the papers...and de-clutter the counter tops. And the former clutter closet....where I kept baking dishes and the trash now my "craft closet". I have all of my bow making stuff, ribbon, scrap booking stuff, sewing machine, and anything else that has to do with crafts in there. The great thing about this closet is that it has and I can even plug in my hot glue gun up high where the kids cant reach it. And my stuff is not scattered through the house in various places.

I feel like I am off to a good start.
Oh, and props to Stephan for finally uploading Office onto my computer. Now I am able to share pics with you all.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Sharing Guacamole...
You need:
1 Ripe Avocado
Diced* Tomato
Diced* Onion
Finely chopped Cilantro
Lime Juice
*It helps to have this stuff chopped up beforehand....that way you can make it faster.
Cut open avocado and scoop out the inside into a small bowl. Save the seed....
Smash up the avocado with a fork....this is the old fashioned way!
Add in your tomato, onion, and cilantro to taste. If you like more of one, add more! If you don't like something, leave it out!
Stir in until well blended....this should make the avocado even more creamy.
Then add your salt and lime juice to taste. I like mine more lime-y!
Enjoy....and share!
If you want to save some for later, pop the seed into the bowl and seal tightly, making sure to get out as much air as possible. The seed will keep the guacamole from turning brown!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Saving Money Will Cost You Time...
So since it is the New Year, one of our "resolutions" is to get our finances straight. What I mean by this, since it could be a broad spectrum of things, is that this year we are going to redo our budget, control our spending habits, and start making long and short term investments. I am learning the differences between an asset and a liability, stocks and bonds, buying and selling those, and a myriad of other items that I need to learn to become "financially literate". It's too bad that schools don't teach this stuff!!!
Today was one of my first lessons, per say. Let me add, that when I say "control our spending", I mean things like no more impulse buying, and especially cutting WAY back on eating out. One of the things I have done to stop the eating out trend, is making up a menu and shopping accordingly. Don't get me wrong. I have done this for most of the 5 years that we have been married. The problem is that we, and especially since we have had our kids, have NOT stuck to it. Plus, for some reason, I never thought to add lunches to the menu. We usually would eat out, or run through the drive through, or even toss a couple of frozen meals into the grocery cart. YUCK! But this last time....the first grocery list of the year, included lunches. Nothing hard to make. Stuff like sandwiches, hot dogs, quesadillas, etc.....things that could be thrown together.
So, back to my original sentence. Today was one of my first lessons. I went to pick up some stuff from the store that somehow did not make it on my grocery list. I thought I would just stop off at Randall's....the equivalent to "Tom Thumb" or "Kroger's". So with Jude dropped of at MDO, and Summyr cooperating happily, I pulled up to the store and grabbed a cart. In my mind, I am thinking about how convenient it is to just stop here since it is right on my way home. I make my way over to the produce section. Here is my list:
Cheese - sliced
I went to look for lettuce: 1.99. Then to the tomatoes: 3.99 lb!!! Then to the bacon: 3.50 on sale for off-brand. Then to the cheese: 3.99 for 16 slices of Kraft. I was feeling like this was not going to work out. Remember, I am trying to save money, pinch pennies, whatever you want to call it. I was not feeling like I was going to save. I started to total this items up in my head: 13 dollars and some change. Yikes! That's a lot for only four items. I decided to leave without the groceries. I headed to Wal Mart. Not on my way home, but I knew that I wasn't going to get robbed. Now not all people feel this way about Wal Mart. But in my opinion, there are a lot of families out there, including mine, that could not afford to buy groceries anywhere else.
Anyways, I got to Wal Mart and went straight to the produce section. First, I found lettuce: 1.00. Then to the tomatoes: 1.29 lb!!!! Cheese was 2.98 for 24 slices. And the bacon was 3.48....only 2 cents less, but name brand, black label and low sodium!!! So I decided to grab 2 avocados for 50 cents each, a small bunch of cilantro for 57 cents, a bottle of salad dressing for 1.98, and some Hershey's syrup for 1.74. Now I could make guacamole as a side, or snack, and use the lettuce and tomatoes that was for sandwiches and make salad too! But did I save, you ask? Yes! I was able to get 8 items from Wal Mart, for one dollar more than I would have been able to get 4 items from Randall's.
Ah, but the lesson did not stop at the store. I went home and put Summyr down for her nap. Then I went to work. Normally I would take a head of lettuce and throw it in the crisping drawer. Simple, right? The problem with that was that it never got used, or it was a hassle to take out each time and wash what I needed and then put it back in the baggy. So, I took some initiative and grabbed my big knife and cutting board, and cut the lettuce in half, washed it and divided it into two sections. The flatter top leaves would be separated and placed in a container for sandwiches, and the rest of the lettuce was chopped up and put in a Ziploc bag for 2-3 salads. Now my lettuce would be used for sure. Then I took one of my tomatoes and went to work. Slicing it thinly for sandwiches (put in a small flat container) and the rest of it was diced for guacamole. I felt so accomplished. Now Stephan would be able to make a sandwich for lunch, quickly, and NOT EAT OUT! Not to mention, that last night while I was making the kids snack from carrots and celery, I took the little bit of extra time, and diced a whole carrot, celery, and some onion left over from dinner prep, and put those into little individual containers for a later use!

I feel good. My veggies wont go to waste just sitting in the crisper, my bread wont go to waste in the closet, and I wont be rushing around trying to get stuff together when its time to cook. Yes, it did take 2 trips to 2 different stores and it did take about a half hour to wash, cut, chop and store, but I feel like I am finally making some steps in the right direction when it comes to trying to save money. Now if I could just get my laundry done....which by the way is being done in a new HE front loader washer and dryer (Christmas & Birthday gift)! We have already seen the difference in our utilities in only a month.
UPDATE 1/8: I ended up using the carrots, celery and onion in fried rice that we had with dinner tonight! It was great.
I hope that I will be able to find other ways to save here and there. Feel free to join me in my quest. Now I must go....the unfolded laundry is screaming my name!