Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Like a Moth to the Flame...

Has there ever been anything in your life that, no matter how upset it made you or how depressing it was, you just kept on going back to it?

For example: You know that you are trying to lose weight, but you just have your favorite chips and they always make you feel better. Do you know what I mean? Its kinda like a bad habit.

Well I am dealing with this same sort of situation with one of the other blogs that I am following. This blog, called HolyCoast, is the only information source that keeps me up to date with what is going on in the political , religious, and executive world. It is very informative...almost TOO informative, and has a lot of side stories about religion, Congressional issues, and recent happenings with the "O-messiah" and the White House. I don't watch the news...and its for the same reason that I need to stop reading this blog....but I don't think I can.

Its easy to not watch the news. I have the kids around, and I don't want them to hear it...or see it for that matter. But this blog sucks me in everyday. I have to know what is going on in the outside world that I am so sheltered from. But the downside to this blog, is that I am becoming very afraid of our new president and even more afraid of living in the U.S. .

This blog is written by a man who is a Republican and a "believer". I feel that I side with that group more that the Democrats, but I would not label my self "Republican" since I am not a political person. But I now have a whole new perspective of politics. It is a scary perspective. Before this blog, I am sad to say, I had no idea about all of the stuff that goes on with Senators, Governors, and Presidents. I knew what they did as their profession, but I never knew about all of the scandals, the attempts to pass outlandish bills, and all of the tax evasion. I knew about Hitler and what a maniac he was, but I never knew that we are seeing some of the same ideas being brought back into our very own government as we speak!

I am saddened by all of the problems with our economy. With people losing their homes and jobs...I wonder if we are next. And now after reading this blog, I know there are hard working people out there, like Stephan, who are supporting a WHOLE lot of slackers. People like us, who don't even own a home, are going to be paying for mortgages of people who couldn't even afford one in the first place. I would have been so naive, had I not read this blog.

There is talk of the whole Evangelical system coming to an end within 1o years. And then a premonition of immanent destruction, terror, and riots throughout the United States. And also talk of China, toying with the US Navy, and Obama not even lifting a finger. And whats this about getting rid of the bowling alley inside of the White House to instead have an indoor basketball court built!? Has anyone ever heard of preserving history???

As I type, I can feel the panic start to rise. And this is why I am writing about this blog. No matter how stressed out I get or how upset I get about what I read, I keep going back. Its not all gloom and doom all of the time. But as the days go by, it seems that there are more bad stories and articles, then there are good. But like a moth to the flame, I feel like I NEED to read this blog to make sure I know whats going on. I could walk around with my head in the clouds all day, like some people I know, or I can read and be aware. But how do I justify the scared and depressing feelings that I get from reading this blog? Why don't I just stop reading it? Is it not all reality?

Please feel free to read it for yourself. Let me know how you feel. Maybe its not just me. Or maybe its just the pessimist in me.

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