My title is not meant to sound bad. It is just a fact that I have learned today. I am trying to take this lesson for what its worth, and find ways to implement the idea of saving money, into everything I do.
So since it is the New Year, one of our "resolutions" is to get our finances straight. What I mean by this, since it could be a broad spectrum of things, is that this year we are going to redo our budget, control our spending habits, and start making long and short term investments. I am learning the differences between an asset and a liability, stocks and bonds, buying and selling those, and a myriad of other items that I need to learn to become "financially literate". It's too bad that schools don't teach this stuff!!!
Today was one of my first lessons, per say. Let me add, that when I say "control our spending", I mean things like no more impulse buying, and especially cutting WAY back on eating out. One of the things I have done to stop the eating out trend, is making up a menu and shopping accordingly. Don't get me wrong. I have done this for most of the 5 years that we have been married. The problem is that we, and especially since we have had our kids, have NOT stuck to it. Plus, for some reason, I never thought to add lunches to the menu. We usually would eat out, or run through the drive through, or even toss a couple of frozen meals into the grocery cart. YUCK! But this last time....the first grocery list of the year, included lunches. Nothing hard to make. Stuff like sandwiches, hot dogs, quesadillas, etc.....things that could be thrown together.
So, back to my original sentence. Today was one of my first lessons. I went to pick up some stuff from the store that somehow did not make it on my grocery list. I thought I would just stop off at Randall's....the equivalent to "Tom Thumb" or "Kroger's". So with Jude dropped of at MDO, and Summyr cooperating happily, I pulled up to the store and grabbed a cart. In my mind, I am thinking about how convenient it is to just stop here since it is right on my way home. I make my way over to the produce section. Here is my list:
Cheese - sliced
I went to look for lettuce: 1.99. Then to the tomatoes: 3.99 lb!!! Then to the bacon: 3.50 on sale for off-brand. Then to the cheese: 3.99 for 16 slices of Kraft. I was feeling like this was not going to work out. Remember, I am trying to save money, pinch pennies, whatever you want to call it. I was not feeling like I was going to save. I started to total this items up in my head: 13 dollars and some change. Yikes! That's a lot for only four items. I decided to leave without the groceries. I headed to Wal Mart. Not on my way home, but I knew that I wasn't going to get robbed. Now not all people feel this way about Wal Mart. But in my opinion, there are a lot of families out there, including mine, that could not afford to buy groceries anywhere else.
Anyways, I got to Wal Mart and went straight to the produce section. First, I found lettuce: 1.00. Then to the tomatoes: 1.29 lb!!!! Cheese was 2.98 for 24 slices. And the bacon was 3.48....only 2 cents less, but name brand, black label and low sodium!!! So I decided to grab 2 avocados for 50 cents each, a small bunch of cilantro for 57 cents, a bottle of salad dressing for 1.98, and some Hershey's syrup for 1.74. Now I could make guacamole as a side, or snack, and use the lettuce and tomatoes that was for sandwiches and make salad too! But did I save, you ask? Yes! I was able to get 8 items from Wal Mart, for one dollar more than I would have been able to get 4 items from Randall's.
Ah, but the lesson did not stop at the store. I went home and put Summyr down for her nap. Then I went to work. Normally I would take a head of lettuce and throw it in the crisping drawer. Simple, right? The problem with that was that it never got used, or it was a hassle to take out each time and wash what I needed and then put it back in the baggy. So, I took some initiative and grabbed my big knife and cutting board, and cut the lettuce in half, washed it and divided it into two sections. The flatter top leaves would be separated and placed in a container for sandwiches, and the rest of the lettuce was chopped up and put in a Ziploc bag for 2-3 salads. Now my lettuce would be used for sure. Then I took one of my tomatoes and went to work. Slicing it thinly for sandwiches (put in a small flat container) and the rest of it was diced for guacamole. I felt so accomplished. Now Stephan would be able to make a sandwich for lunch, quickly, and NOT EAT OUT! Not to mention, that last night while I was making the kids snack from carrots and celery, I took the little bit of extra time, and diced a whole carrot, celery, and some onion left over from dinner prep, and put those into little individual containers for a later use!
So since it is the New Year, one of our "resolutions" is to get our finances straight. What I mean by this, since it could be a broad spectrum of things, is that this year we are going to redo our budget, control our spending habits, and start making long and short term investments. I am learning the differences between an asset and a liability, stocks and bonds, buying and selling those, and a myriad of other items that I need to learn to become "financially literate". It's too bad that schools don't teach this stuff!!!
Today was one of my first lessons, per say. Let me add, that when I say "control our spending", I mean things like no more impulse buying, and especially cutting WAY back on eating out. One of the things I have done to stop the eating out trend, is making up a menu and shopping accordingly. Don't get me wrong. I have done this for most of the 5 years that we have been married. The problem is that we, and especially since we have had our kids, have NOT stuck to it. Plus, for some reason, I never thought to add lunches to the menu. We usually would eat out, or run through the drive through, or even toss a couple of frozen meals into the grocery cart. YUCK! But this last time....the first grocery list of the year, included lunches. Nothing hard to make. Stuff like sandwiches, hot dogs, quesadillas, etc.....things that could be thrown together.
So, back to my original sentence. Today was one of my first lessons. I went to pick up some stuff from the store that somehow did not make it on my grocery list. I thought I would just stop off at Randall's....the equivalent to "Tom Thumb" or "Kroger's". So with Jude dropped of at MDO, and Summyr cooperating happily, I pulled up to the store and grabbed a cart. In my mind, I am thinking about how convenient it is to just stop here since it is right on my way home. I make my way over to the produce section. Here is my list:
Cheese - sliced
I went to look for lettuce: 1.99. Then to the tomatoes: 3.99 lb!!! Then to the bacon: 3.50 on sale for off-brand. Then to the cheese: 3.99 for 16 slices of Kraft. I was feeling like this was not going to work out. Remember, I am trying to save money, pinch pennies, whatever you want to call it. I was not feeling like I was going to save. I started to total this items up in my head: 13 dollars and some change. Yikes! That's a lot for only four items. I decided to leave without the groceries. I headed to Wal Mart. Not on my way home, but I knew that I wasn't going to get robbed. Now not all people feel this way about Wal Mart. But in my opinion, there are a lot of families out there, including mine, that could not afford to buy groceries anywhere else.
Anyways, I got to Wal Mart and went straight to the produce section. First, I found lettuce: 1.00. Then to the tomatoes: 1.29 lb!!!! Cheese was 2.98 for 24 slices. And the bacon was 3.48....only 2 cents less, but name brand, black label and low sodium!!! So I decided to grab 2 avocados for 50 cents each, a small bunch of cilantro for 57 cents, a bottle of salad dressing for 1.98, and some Hershey's syrup for 1.74. Now I could make guacamole as a side, or snack, and use the lettuce and tomatoes that was for sandwiches and make salad too! But did I save, you ask? Yes! I was able to get 8 items from Wal Mart, for one dollar more than I would have been able to get 4 items from Randall's.
Ah, but the lesson did not stop at the store. I went home and put Summyr down for her nap. Then I went to work. Normally I would take a head of lettuce and throw it in the crisping drawer. Simple, right? The problem with that was that it never got used, or it was a hassle to take out each time and wash what I needed and then put it back in the baggy. So, I took some initiative and grabbed my big knife and cutting board, and cut the lettuce in half, washed it and divided it into two sections. The flatter top leaves would be separated and placed in a container for sandwiches, and the rest of the lettuce was chopped up and put in a Ziploc bag for 2-3 salads. Now my lettuce would be used for sure. Then I took one of my tomatoes and went to work. Slicing it thinly for sandwiches (put in a small flat container) and the rest of it was diced for guacamole. I felt so accomplished. Now Stephan would be able to make a sandwich for lunch, quickly, and NOT EAT OUT! Not to mention, that last night while I was making the kids snack from carrots and celery, I took the little bit of extra time, and diced a whole carrot, celery, and some onion left over from dinner prep, and put those into little individual containers for a later use!

I feel good. My veggies wont go to waste just sitting in the crisper, my bread wont go to waste in the closet, and I wont be rushing around trying to get stuff together when its time to cook. Yes, it did take 2 trips to 2 different stores and it did take about a half hour to wash, cut, chop and store, but I feel like I am finally making some steps in the right direction when it comes to trying to save money. Now if I could just get my laundry done....which by the way is being done in a new HE front loader washer and dryer (Christmas & Birthday gift)! We have already seen the difference in our utilities in only a month.
UPDATE 1/8: I ended up using the carrots, celery and onion in fried rice that we had with dinner tonight! It was great.
I hope that I will be able to find other ways to save here and there. Feel free to join me in my quest. Now I must go....the unfolded laundry is screaming my name!
1 comment:
Faith, sounds like we are in the same boat. It is amazing where you can find more money after analyzing where it has all been going. We eat a major portion of our paycheck each month at restaurants. If I only knew what I know now 5 years ago...
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