Here is just a quick note about the lastest happenings.
So we had Jude's birthday was fun and everything went very well. Jude is finally 4. He has changed so much over the last few years. His personality has grown, and he is such an interesting, and talkative little kid. He got lots of dinosaur presents for his party, but the best part was about one week later, when he gave us a present. I am proud to say that Jude is OFFICIALLY potty-trained!!!! Wahooo! It took a while for it to click in his busy brain, but he did it and can poop and pee on the big potty. We do have to take his portable potty seat (made for tiny bums) everywhere we go...but I dont mind. It is WAY better than changing a diaper!!!

Ummm, lets see... tonight Stephan had his "final" final of the semester at the Art Insitute. He still has a way to a year....but we are happy that he has a 3 week break coming up. He is doing really well in the graphic design program there.
Rani will be coming to visit us soon. She is Stephan's little sister for those of you who dont know. She will be turning 17 in July. This will be the 2nd year that she has come to spend some time with us over the summer. The kids really enjoy having her...and I love it cuz I get a bit of a break!!!
I have been cooking alot...and making smoothies and tonight I made a milkshake. I pulled out the ice cream machine last night, read the instructions, and made some vanilla ice cream today. It was the first time, so I did run into a few issues....but nothing I cant learn from. The ice cream turned out so good. I have also been sewing blankets, and baby items. I know that I have a talent, but now I just need to figure out how to use that talent to bring in some cash!

Stephan's brother, Landon and his wife, had their first baby 2 weeks ago today. Her name is Kaitlyn. She definatly is an Abuzeide and resembles Stephan.

I also was able to meet a dear "online" friend over the weekend in Houston. Her name is Kristen, and she is so sweet. We had a great time at Chili's in Pasadena just talking and getting to know each other. It seems surreal, like I dreamed it all...but it really did happen, and I am so glad!
My sister, Hope, will be getting married on the 4th of July in Mississippi. We will be caravaning there on the 1st and all of our family will be involved in the wedding party. I am the matron of honor/train fixer/bouquet holder/bathroom assistant etc. Jude is the ring bearer, Summyr the flower girl, and Stephan an usher. I am making Summyrs dress. I hope to have it finished before the weekend. We just came back Sunday from Houston, after her wedding shower. It was fun and she got some really nice things.
Summyr has been growing like a weed, and will be turning 2 in a few weeks. She is so funny, and is really into the DoodleBops (kids singing group, resemble clowns). She refers to her new sandals as "tap shoes" and walks around dancing. Speaking of her feet...she is only one shoe size behind Jude....YIKES! We think she is going to be very tall, while Jude remains on the petite side still.

It is hot hot hot here in Texas. I am dying...never thought I would say that. I think it is happening with age. I said just the other day to a friend, how I used to love summer time when I was young. The heat never affected me. Now, I dont even want to leave the comfort of my air conditioned house to do simple things like the grocery store and walking the dog. I try to go out in the morning, but as I am typing this, it is still 88 dergrees outside!!!
1 comment:
I enjoyed hearing your news. Keep it coming. Loved seeing the kids pics and hearing how they are doing too. yeah for Jude on being potty trained. Maybe Summyr will treat you to training extra early. :)
I have good memories of hanging out with y'all last summer.
Love, Nicole
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