If you cant tell, I am horrible at blogging.
I spend too much time on Facebook.
And, I spend a lot of time taking care of my family and cleaning up this house!
Don't forget Skippy!
I don't know if anyone even reads this blog.

A lot has happened since I last wrote.
Jude got really sick with something and had to be put in the "hostible" for a couple of days. This was a really trying time for me because the same day he was admitted, Stephan had to go out of town on business. I was exhausted and was truly blessed by our church family, who came in and helped me out so much with meals and taking care of Summyr. Jude is back to normal by the way, and the doctors were never able to figure out what made him sick or what exactly he had.

In early October, we signed up to be distributors of MonaVie. This is a juice made from fruit. 100% fruit I might add. Drinking 4 ounces of of this juice a day gives you 13 servings of fruit. Who wouldn't want that? All that fruit in 4 ounces!!! The main fruit in this amazing drink is the acai berry....from the Amazon. MonaVie has really changed our life, and our health. As an added bonus, its about to change the contents of our wallet, too!

Halloween. All I can say is that I am glad it is over! I know that sounds bad, but this year was so stressful. I was dumb enough to think, that since we were broke, I would just make the kids costumes, and save a couple of bucks. Well after 3 weeks of working on Jude's Optimus Prime (Transformers) costume, I had had enough! I did finish it though and it turned out GREAT! It was the hit of the Fall Festival at church and I kid you not, people are still talking about it! Oh and I only spent $2.00 to make it.....for the red and blue spray paint. I made Summyr's costume as well. It only took me an afternoon and six dollars to make her princess ballerina tutu. She was so cute, and its a costume that she can wear over and over.

And here we are in November. I am enjoying the weather changing everyday. Sometimes, after the kids are asleep, I take Skippy for a walk in our little neighborhood. I love to walk in the dark and feel the cool wind swirl around me and hear the crunch of the leaves and acorns under foot. I am trying so hard to get in the holiday "spirit" this year. I think I might just be able to....I hope.
1 comment:
I read your blog and enjoy it. So keep on blogging! -- NIcole
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