There are so many things about Jude that I could write. He has been with us for almost 4 years...much longer than there is much more to write.
Jude is SOOOOOOOOO Smart. I cannot keep up with half of the things he tells me about. He is into outerspace and the planets and spaceshuttle. I cant wait to take him to the Johnson Space Center....he will love it!
He has a fantastic imagination. He can be whoever and wherever he wants in a matter of seconds. Lately he is BuzzlightYear or a Pokemon, or even Bumblebee. He his so detailed with his descriptions of the characters, and never misses anything. Oh, and he will make sure to correct you when you are wrong about the way you "fight" or "fly" if you are playing with him.
He has book smarts. He can count to 20, say all of the alphabet, knows all of his shapes, colors, etc. He can even WRITE all of the letters and some of the numbers!!! He can write his NAME!!! In upper and lower case, mind you. Can you believe this? I know we cant. He is currently working on picking up some sign-language, and has picked up an interest in science. All on his own! He knows his phonics...can associate the letter sounds with the correct letter, and can even give you a word to go with the letter. All at 3 years old....we might have a prodigy on our hands.
Jude is very independent. Well I would like to think so. He can dress himself, put on socks and shoes (velcro or slide-on), brush his teeth, put on his pullups, start a DVD for himself when he wants, shut the car doors when he gets out, helps pick up after Summyr, is my number one diaper-runner, can put on his backpack by himself and carry his lunchbox, can eat almost everything without having us cut it up for him (except for drumsticks), can help "fold" laundry, ride his bike, walk the dog, and even makes up his own language. He is an awesome kid!

Our "Big Kid"!
Jude Mykel 5/31/05