Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Its Been a While...
I would post about our Easter trip, but since I forgot my camera, I have no pictures to show you. Trying to describe it all would just be too hard for me. We did have fun in Houston, though.
Not much has been going on here. It seems like all I do is sweep, mop, pick up toys, wash, fold, and rotate laundry from the couch to the bed, then back to the washer again....oh, and drive Jude to and from school.
Life is pretty mundane...but hey I am not complaining. I enjoy having life this way. Pretty normal and back on a decent schedule. The kids seem to be happy. Everyone is about as healthy as one can be during a Texas spring.
The house is quiet right now. The kids are in bed for the night. They have been pretty good about sleeping and going to bed on their own. Jude is now sleeping in a twin-sized bed. He was complaining that his firetruck bed was too small. He seems much more comfortable now. I still have Summyr in the crib. I dont trust her enough to put her in a toddler bed, just yet.
So, I will come back when I have more stuff to write about.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I wanted to show everyone pictures and video of Jude's first performance with Austin Kid's Acting. He started in the Young Performers class back in January, and today was their last class. They had put together a couple of skits and little was so cute! He did really well and he actually remembered his lines....he was the only one that got to have 2 whole lines....:). For those of you who dont know...Jude will be 4 at the end of May.

We hope to be able to enroll him in another class that starts in the fall. We are very proud of his creativity and skills as a pint sized performer!

Somone loves being on stage WAY too much!
The video quality is not that was taken on my digital camera. You can hear Jude's voice loud and clear over the other microphones....while singing "Doe a Deer". Jude is holding hands with his good friend Jonathan...who initially invited him to join by coming to a "free"class to try it out. We had Jude signed up and in class the next week after hearing all of the raves from the teachers and director of the school.
Supportive sister
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Twilight Update....
I finished the series this past Saturday (4 books in 1 week)....and it was one of, if not, the best series of books that I have read in a while.
The author really knows how to draw you in and make you feel like you are a part of the story.
I was sad that 2 a.m., mind you....when I read the last page. I felt like a chapter in my life was ending.
The Twilight series opened my eyes to some things in my life that I really wasnt ready to deal with. More on that later.
Now Stephan is reading them, and is on the third book.
If you have the chance, read the series. If you havent seen the movie, watch it first, before you read. I did it that way, and I am so grateful that I did. I was able to take the characters from the movie, into the books with me, and they made it so much easier on my imagination!
I hope you have the chance to enjoy Twilight for yourself!
Sure there are those who don't do it intentionally...well at least I think they don't. For kids. I love them, but after spending 8-10 hours a day (minimum) with them, they (by no fault of their own) start to irritate me.
But then there are those know who I am talking about....who always do something to make you feel like you just want to shake them violently!!! Please tell me that I am not the only one who has ever felt this way! I just don't understand those people. Why do they insist on being annoying?
Back in the good old days, before the Internet, the only way that people could really annoy you was either in person or over the phone. Being annoying over the phone was an easy thing to handle. All you had to do was hang up on them. But now with the Internet and places like MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter, people can continue to be annoying and irritating all day and all night if they want to. Sure you say, why not just turn off the hanging up the phone? Well I say no to that. Talking on the phone is one on one. Being on the computer in my downtime is a privilege for me. Its a place where I can talk to a lot of different people that I don't get to ever see. But why does ONE person have to ruin it for me?
Did your mom ever tell you that saying ,"If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything." or that one that goes, "Mind your own beeswax."? I know I grew up with those two pieces of advice. I also grew up being taught that being annoying and pestering was NOT attractive. I was told it was rude to brag and boast...especially to people who really just don't have any interest.
And PLEASE, I am begging you PLEASE don't air your dirty laundry and your personal business on the Internet!!! Some things were just meant to be kept private. Especially on places like Facebook and Twitter. It is soooooooo obnoxious!!! I don't think there is anything wrong with using a blog as an outlet or a journal, because here, you can choose who gets to read it and who doesn't. But public domains??? Come on people!!! Have some dignity!!! You don't know how many times I have caught myself gagging, rolling my eyes, and even growling at the computer screen after reading something that was so out of place and personal. Have some wisdom. We used to say "think before you speak", but lets bring that term into the new millennium..."think before you type"!!!! If you are having problems at home, no one on Facebook wants to know. Tell a close friend, blog about it..if you are like me and don't have a close friend, or just pray about it. Don't broadcast it for millions of eyes to see! And no, we are NOT interested in your "love life"....its not any ones business...and trust me we DON'T want to know what goes on behind closed doors.
Whew! Deep breath here!
I guess I am just ranting...but that is a good thing. I use this blog as a way to get out some pent up frustrations so that I don't take them out on my poor family. Trust me, they have heard this one before....but everytime I see it happen again....I just have to write.