Tuesday, August 12, 2008

UN-Hired Help?

So, I guess I never realized that moving into this house would be so much work. Dont get me wrong, we love this house, but keeping it clean is REALLY HARD!

I have been contemplating the idea of hiring someone to help me. Whether it be a "Mother's Helper" or a lady to come in and clean once a month; the thought has crossed my mind many times in the last few weeks. The idea sounds great....but the reality of it is slim to none! If I had lots of money I would do it....but I dont.

So, I have searched high and low for someone to help me. I prefer "unhired" help. Someone who I dont have to pay with currency....well not with actual dollars and cents.

I think I might have found someone...

Doesnt he look thrilled?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Famous Words of a Three Year Old....

Today, I think I have finally come to the realization that Jude is EXTREMELY smart and funny. He can charm just about anyone with his smile and wit. He can count to 20 and knows all of his ABC's, shapes, colors, animals, etc...... He is interested in space. He loves to talk about Earth and the fact that we live there, and that Saturn has rings. He loves NASCAR and is always talking about cars racing and crashing....LOL!

Anyways, Jude said some things today that were so funny, I felt compelled to write them down.
I have been watching 3 other kids at our house since last week. All the kids were sitting down at the table eating lunch and I mentioned casually to my Sister-In-Law, Rani, that the kids should "crash"...of course I was speaking about nap time. Well Jude over heard what I said and screamed out, "No! We don't have any cars!!!" Of course I couldn't help but laugh at that!

Then, it was time to lay down. We have been watching Baby Einstein before nap as sort of a "wind down" tool. At the end of the show, a baby comes on the screen and is playing with a toy. Jude shouts out, "Look at that baby....it doesn't have any hair! Just a little bit of hair like Grandpa Eddee!!!!" Daddy if you are reading this, you should be so thrilled that Jude thinks so highly of you!

I cant wait to post more of the hilarious things that Jude says, but Rani just told me that Summyr took 2 steps on her own, and I missed it!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Okay, So I am going to Attempt to Blog.

So here we go. I am terrible at this stuff, but I have friends and family members out there that want to know what is going on in our lives. Fair warning: I might not update this on a regular basis!

So right now, as I type, Jude is in his room fake coughing and telling me he doesnt "feel better". He is supposed to be taking a nap so that I can have some "Mommy" time. This is a normal occurance in our house. I spend most of my Mommy time trying to keep him quiet enough to not wake up Summyr who is really needing to take a couple of good naps a day. Oh and of course, he always chooses to do this on the days that Stephan has to go to school at night. So.....that means Daddy is not home all day until around 10:00 pm. Can you imagine how that might make me a little bit frayed around the edges?

I started to drink this juice....called Mona*Vie. It was helping me sleep so much better and I had more energy throughout the day. But.....we ran out of juice and we cant really afford to spend $45 on another one right now. We would like to become independant reps. and sell the juice, so we are working on that. Oh, by the way, it is an Acai Berry blend - the best of the best!

So there have been a couple of things that have started to break in this house since we moved in. Thank goodness it is just a rental! The landlord has been coming out to fix stuff....like the garage door that came off of the track, and the front porch light that hasnt worked since we moved in, and not to mention the leak we had coming from the washing machine drainage area.....all that water ended up in the garage because the spiket was leaking during washes. Fun!

The kids are getting big. Jude just had his 3rd birhtday at the end of May. We actually had a real party this year at Chuck E. Cheese. He got to invite his little friends from Bible class and his cousin Zach. He had a blast! Then Summyr turned one on July 7th! She is getting to be such a big girl. She got to have a cake....and only she had it because by the time I turned around to get a knife to cut it, she had destroyed it! Well at least she got to eat some!

More Later......when I can find some time!